No… this is not a plug for Starbucks 🙂
Our lives are messy and anyone that looks like they have it all together, I promise, they don’t… Each one of us has our struggles and working within a smaller team of 9, is a reminder that keeping work and personal life separate is not reality.
There is no better time than now to meet people where they are and truly listen. This morning I chose to break the cycle I was in and take time to do our daily reading a little differently. We headed to Starbucks, my daughter’s favorite place, and it allowed me a chance to hear the important things that are going on in a mind of an amazing 9-year-old that I get to call my daughter. 🙂
It was just good to meet her where she is at and then afterward it reminded me how we all need to do this in our lives (work, neighbors, significant other, etc.) A lot of times we have our own agendas and allow the busyness of life to take away the opportunities to truly listen and connect with those around us.
I challenge everyone to try to break the cycle and be intentional in meeting those around you. You never know what kind of impact you could make by meeting someone that might just need a listening ear.